
June 15, 2023

Basic Data and Analytics with SQL and PostgreSQL

Introduction to Data Analysis

Data analysis is like uncovering hidden treasures in a vast ocean of information. It helps us make sense of data, discover patterns, and derive meaningful insights. But before we jump into the deep end, let’s start with the fundamentals.

What is Data?

Data is the lifeblood of analysis. It can be any piece of information, from numbers and text to images and videos. In the world of databases, data is organized into tables, which are made up of rows and columns.

SQL and PostgreSQL: Your Dynamic Duo

SQL (Structured Query Language) is a language used to communicate with databases and its one of my favorite things to work with in tech. It allows us to retrieve, manipulate, and manage data effectively. PostgreSQL, an open-source relational database management system, is our trusty sidekick. Together, they form a powerful duo for data analysis.

Getting Started with SQL

Now that we understand the basics, let’s get our hands dirty with some SQL code. We’ll start with the essential CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete) (lol, every devs favorite thing to do, I know!).

Creating a Database

CREATE DATABASE mySalesDatabase;

Creating a Table

CREATE TABLE sales_customers (
firstName VARCHAR(50),
lastName VARCHAR(50),
email VARCHAR(100),
age INT,
location VARCHAR(500),

For thought…

Please keep in mind that despite being a fundamental review, it is worth mentioning that a sales database design usually incorporates a significantly larger amount of data than these few attributes. The greater the quantity of sales data available, the better the ability to directly cater to the customer base, which could also vary depending on the industry or organization.

Additionally, if you are required to utilize an RDBMS, you may need to adhere to a denormalized schema. It is worth noting a challenge I have encountered with RDBMS systems, as they are not particularly adept at storing hierarchical data. Therefore, it might be beneficial for you to explore the option of using an object database.

Inserting Data

Yeah, I know we could seed it, but its more fun to practice doing it manually because if you’re like me, you always forget and need cheat sheets so it helps to punch it all out.

INSERT INTO customers (firstName, lastName, email, age, location)
  ('Emily', 'Johnson', 'emily.johnson@example.com', 32, 'Detroit, MI, USA'),
  ('Ethan', 'Martinez', 'ethan.martinez@example.com', 27, 'Los Angeles, CA, USA'),
  ('Sophia', 'Lee', 'sophia.lee@example.com', 35, 'London, UK'),
  ('Liam', 'Wilson', 'liam.wilson@example.com', 29, 'Sydney, Australia'),
  ('Olivia', 'Garcia', 'olivia.garcia@example.com', 31, 'Madrid, Spain');

Note that you could also clean this up and add params for CityState and Country (along with zip and area codes for phone, etc.) separately, but this is just a simple tutorial if you will. I’ll try to cover this topic another time when I can.

Querying Data

SELECT * FROM sales_customers;

Mastering Data Analysis with SQL

Now that we have some of the basics covered, let’s level up our data analysis skills with some powerful SQL techniques.

Filtering Data

SELECT * FROM cussales_customerstomers WHERE age > 30;

Sorting Data

SELECT * FROM sales_customers ORDER BY age DESC;

Aggregating Data

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sales_customers;

Joining Tables

SELECT orders.order_id, customers.name
FROM orders
JOIN sales_customers ON orders.customer_id = customers.id;

Unleashing the Power of PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL offers a plethora of advanced features that take our data analysis game to the next level. Let’s explore a few of them.

Advanced Data Types

PostgreSQL supports various data types, including arraysJSON, and even geographic data. These flexible data types enable us to work with diverse datasets.

Functions and Stored Procedures

PostgreSQL allows us to define custom functions and stored procedures. We can encapsulate crazy logic and reuse it for efficient and scalable data analysis.

Window Functions

Window functions allow us to perform calculations across a set of rows, providing insights into trends and patterns within our data.

Open Source Tools for Data Analysis

The open-source community has developed numerous tools that integrate seamlessly with SQL and PostgreSQL. Let’s explore a few popular ones:

Jupyter Notebooks

Jupyter Notebooks provide an interactive environment for data analysis and visualization. We can write SQL queries, combine them with Python code, and create stunning visualizations (bonus if you add in flask or d3.js).

Apache Spark

Apache Spark is a powerful distributed computing framework that enables big data processing. With its SQL module, we can leverage the power of SQL and PostgreSQL to analyze massive datasets in a distributed environment.


Metabase is a user-friendly open-source tool for data exploration and visualization. It allows us to create intuitive dashboards and share insights with team members.


Apache Superset is another fantastic open-source data exploration and visualization platform. It supports SQL querying, interactive visualizations, and even allows for embedding charts and dashboards into other applications.

Putting It All Together

Now that we have a solid understanding of data analysis, SQL, PostgreSQL, and the open-source tools available, let’s see how it all fits into a real-world scenario.

Problem Statement: Customer Segmentation

Imagine we work for an e-commerce company (something I’ve done quite a bit in the past – great to learn with), and our task is to segment customers based on their purchasing behavior. This information will help us tailor marketing campaigns and improve customer satisfaction.

Solution: SQL and PostgreSQL in Action

Using SQL and PostgreSQL, we can analyze customer data, identify patterns, and create customer segments based on factors like purchase frequency, order value, and product preferences. Here’s an example query:

  COUNT(*) AS order_count,
  AVG(order_total) AS avg_order_total
  COUNT(*) > 5
  avg_order_total DESC;

By executing this query, we can segment customers based on their order count and average order total, allowing us to target high-value customers with personalized marketing strategies.


Well, that was kinda fun and pretty basic, but you should get a rough idea now if you haven’t already. This wasn’t really meant as a do-all guide or anything, just a basic refresher for myself and anyone who decides to read this.

You’ve now embarked on a data-driven journey and gained a solid understanding of data analysis, SQL, and PostgreSQL.

A quick rundown covered:

The basics of SQL operations, explored advanced techniques for data analysis, and discovered open-source tools that enhance our capabilities. Remember to keep practicing, exploring new techniques, and staying curious about the ever-evolving world of data analysis. So go forth, analyze data like a pro, and uncover insights that will drive success in your projects. Yo query taco bell, all!